network, make friends and open the door to love...

When you go on that first date away from the safety of the group at the party or speed dating evening in Cheltenham, Gloucester please be safe rather than sorry, so always meet in a public place - never at home. Trust your judgement - if in doubt don’t meet. Leave details of your meeting with family or friends. Take a mobile. At the beginning do not accept offers of lifts from your dating partner. Keep the first meeting to about an hour, perhaps lunch, coffee or a drink. It is good to meet during the day if possible.
Well, with that out of the way, good tips are always useful until you get to know each other. Often people ask me about dress code for the parties and speed dating events. I advise - be smart and comfortable. Take care with your appearance but feel at ease.
For women: keep clothes tasteful and simple, showing a little cleavage is fine but don’t overdo it. Keep bling to a reasonable level. Resist the temptation of changing your hairstyle before the date - it may make you feel self-conscious. For make-up, use natural colours to complement your skin.
For men: A well-pressed shirt, open-neck or with a good tie, and a suit or casual trousers. Wear clean shoes, avoid trainers. Little or no bling. Clean hands and fingernails.
Punctuality is essential. A lovely smile and laughter go a long way. Give each other a chance to speak and ask open questions which will keep conversation flowing. Eye contact is very important. Showing good manners gets noticed. Try to remember to use each other’s name frequently. Take responsibility for yourself and respect the other person’s wishes or point of view, even if you don’t agree.