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Valentine's Party for All Singles     Sunday 16th February 7pm         All Bar One 18 Montpellier Walk Cheltenham GL50 1SD

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Interview with
Gloucestershire Echo

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network, make friends and open the door to love...


29th December 2024
Christmas Party for All Singles Sunday 22nd December 2024
What a wonderful evening! Lots of guests - over forty - coming together to enjoy themselves, meet new people, make new friends and meet someone special. The icebreakers were very popular and so was the clairvoyant who had come along to give readings for those wanting to know it bit more about their future. A glass of Prosecco was included. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for hosting a lovely evening. Most enjoyable!"; "Thank you for arranging such a great evening. Really enjoyed it"; "It was very enjoyable"; "Really enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you for such a great evening"; "Anna, you are brilliant at bringing people together!". That is exactly what I enjoy about what I do - bringing people together to meet other single people and to see where it leads. Join us next time. You're very, very welcome. Happy New Year!

10th November 2024
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 3rd November 2024
Fabulous event. Lovely guests, even numbers of men and women enjoying each other's company and conversation. The room buzzed! Amongst the feedback: "Thank you"; "Thank you"; "Thank you"; "Thanks, Anna, I really enjoyed it"; "Thanks Anna. Nice group of people you had there last night". It was a pleasure for me as well. Join us next time. See you soon. You're very, very welcome!

6th October 2024
Speed Dating 50 and over Sunday 29th September 2024
What a superb event! Guests coming together and enjoying the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and meet someone special. Once again, it was lovely to see some of the guests gathered together in the bar downstairs having drinks after the event was over. My job done! Amongst the feedback: "Always a pleasant evening"; "A good night out!'; Thanks for a lovely evening, as always"; "Another great evening as usual - lots of conversations". Join us next time - what's stopping you - come out and have some fun. See you soon. You're very welcome!

25th September 2022
Speed Dating 50 and over Sunday 18th August 2024
The first Speed Dating Party with a glass of Prosecco for all guests on arrival. Certainly put everyone in good spirits! Fairly evenly balanced numbers of men and women who enjoyed having good conversations with each other and went away saying they had enjoyed the evening. Good result! Amongst the feedback: "Thanks, Anna, very impressive!"; "Thank you for a lovely social evening"; "Thanks for a great night"; "Thank you, thank you, thank you!". A very sociable evening was had by all so why not join us next time?! You're very, very welcome!

1st July 2024
Midsummer Singles Party 23rd June 2024
A lovely event and an excellent atmosphere. Almost 40 guests gathered together to enjoy a lovely summer's evening over a glass of Prosecco. I understand there were matches afterwards, too! Amongst the feedback: "Lovely evening. Thank you!"; "Great event and I look forward to the next one"; "Thanks for organising the summer party"; "Just a note to say a huge thank you for last night's party. It was great! Honestly, Cheltenham is so lucky to have a lady like you (and your lovely daughter, of course) who takes the time and effort to put events like these on. They are a lifeline for single people. I don't feel alone at all being single after yesterday! It actually feels quite fun now". My, that was a long one, and yes, it should be fun being single, so come on over, see you next time! You're very welcome!

26th May 2024
Speed Dating 50 and Over Sunday 19th May 2024
A very pleasant event with delightful guests. In fact, the men complimented the ladies saying that they were the most agreeable group of women that they had met at a Speed Dating event. Afterwards, a was lovely to see the ladies sitting downstairs in the bar enjoying a drink together, so making new friends. Amongst the feedback: "Good to meet everybody"; "Thank you!'; "Exciting!"; "Lovely to meet you". Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

27th April 2024
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 21st April 2024
A very pleasant and easy-going evening. The guests enjoyed meeting each other and to see if they matched for a date in the future. Yes, there were matches when the results came out. Good conversations were had by all. Plenty of "Thank yous" afterwards along with "Amazing!" and "Fab!". Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

9th April 2024
Speed Dating 50 and Over Sunday 7th April 2024
Spring is in the air and people happily gathered for this event held in the pleasant surroundings of All Bar One. A lovely atmosphere with guests exchanging conversation and enjoying each other's company. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you. I enjoyed last night"; "Pleased with successful results"; "Many thanks for a lovely evening". Join us next time for a pleasant evening out meeting new people and making matches! You're very welcome!

29th March 2024
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 24th March 2024
What a splendid event! Everyone enjoyed themselves. Good conversation flowed. An easy-going atmosphere which led to matches. Afterwards guests gathered in the bar downstairs for drinks and friendships were made. My job done? Well, almost! Everyone was so grateful but I don't do it for gratitude. I love bringing people together and to see where it goes from there. So, thank you all for coming. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for hosting such a fabulous event"; "Thank you for a wonderful evening"; "I had a lot of fun"; "Thanks. It was fun"; "Wonderful!". So, don't miss out, join us next time for an evening of fun, meeting new people and opening up your life. See you soon. You're very, very welcome!

9th March 2024
Speed Dating 50 and over Sunday 3rd March 2024
What a fabulous evening! Lots and lots of people giving everyone so much opportunity. In fact, everyone who said yes to someone had a match. Great results! Amongst the feedback: "An enjoyable night out."; "Many thanks!"; "What a great evening!"; "Really good people and well organised as usual."; "Great to see you Anna. Thanks for what you do."; "Your events are lovely."; "I really enjoyed Sunday night. It was great fun and a safe place to meet new people." That last comment is observant and important. Yes, my events are a safe way of meeting new and pleasant people, against the backdrop of All Bar One which is an attractive venue, situated in a safe part of town, easy to park and with such helpful staff. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain by coming to my events, meeting new people, making new friends, meeting someone special and having a lot of fun doing so. See you next time. You're very, very welcome!

29th January 2024
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 28th January 2024
Great atmosphere. Guests happily socialising before the start of the event. The men and women said how much they enjoyed meeting everyone whether or not they ticked each other's box. The opportunity was there to meet different people and to have good conversations. Altogether an interesting evening in the pleasant surroundings of All Bar One. Amongst the feedback: "Lovely guys!"; "I enjoyed meeting everyone"; "Thanks for organising the event"; "Enjoyed myself. See you next time". So, why not join us to meet like-minded people or not so like-minded people(!) for an exciting evening full of fun. You're very welcome!

21st December 2023
Singles Christmas Party Sunday 17th December 2023
A sensational event! There were so many guests, over 50, coming together over a glass of Prosecco to meet each other, engage in interesting conversations, have a reading with the clairvoyant if of interest, and generally to have an evening out in the company of such pleasant people. Altogether a great success. Amongst the feedback: "Plenty of fun and interesting people to talk to"; "Thanks a lot for the party, it was great!"; "Thanks for organising the party - thoroughly enjoyed myself"; "Thanks for such a lovely event. I really enjoyed myself and it was so much fun"; "Thanks for another good evening. It was great!". There will be more parties coming up in the future along with Speed Dating as always. Don't miss out. Join us for more fun in the future. Look forward to seeing you!

19th November 2023
Speed Dating 50++ on Monday 13th November 2023
Tremendous event! So many people and numbers of men and women evenly balanced. The atmosphere was electric with guests enjoying each other's company and having good conversations. That's what it's all about! Enjoyment and pleasure flowed around the room. To top it all, a couple called in from the younger age group whom I had introduced at the last 25-42 event - happy as can be - and wanted to thank me for bringing them together. Job done! Back to the older generation and the compliments kept coming: "It was quite an experience! All the ladies were very nice"; "Just to say a big thank you to both you and your daughter for a really friendly and happy evening. All the guests were lovely to meet"; "Thank you Anna. Great response!!"; "It was a lot more fun than I thought it would be"; "Thank you Anna for such a lovely evening. You had done such a good job and there was such an amazing atmosphere. Thank you"; "I really enjoyed the evening"; "Thanks Anna. It was a fun evening, good atmosphere with lots of great conversations, regardless of what my results are I really enjoyed the event and look forward to hearing from you about the Christmas Party"; "Thank you so much for a great event". Well, there you have it, and I will do even better in the future, so join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

20th October 2023
Speed Dating 25-42 Monday 16th October 2023
A lovely event with a delightful bunch of guests all looking to meet new people and enjoy happy conversations. The evening buzzed. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a great evening!"; "Looking forward to my first date!"; "Thank you for organising the event. Not disappointed about not having a match. Means I can come back next time and I'm looking forward to it already!". Interesting! You can build a new social live by attending events regularly and why not? Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

7th October 2023
Speed Dating 50++ Sunday 1st October 2023
WHAT AN EVENT! A night to remember! Everyone had a thoroughly good evening whatever the results. Conversations enjoyed - it was difficult to move the guys on. But never mind, everyone was happy. Compliments came thick and fast: "Thanks, Anna, a very enjoyable evening'; "A very enjoyable evening"; "Thank you for a lovely evening"; "It was a lovely evening"; "What a good evening. Real good people there who enjoyed themselves"; "Very enjoyable evening"; "Thank you Anna - a thoroughly enjoyable and well-organised pleasant evening. Thank you for the experience"; "Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest". My, I just love the last one! So, why not join us next time. Nothing to lose and so much to gain. Look forward to seeing you. You're very, very welcome!

23rd September 2023
Speed Dating 38-55 Monday 18th September 2023
A happy event with even numbers of men and women coming together for an evening out meeting new people and making new contacts. Excellent conversations had by all and not easy to move guests round as they were so enjoying chatting to one another. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks, Anna, it was a fun night"; "Thanks, Anna, I enjoyed it and all the ladies were good to talk to"; "Many thanks, Anna, I really enjoyed the evening". A good time had by all! Join us next time. You're very, very welcome

10th September 2023
Speed Dating 25-42 on Sunday 3rd September 2023
A good event and an excellent atmosphere. Guests enjoying the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and matching up with someone. It was obvious that people enjoyed themselves. A lot of thanks and a lot of matches! Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a great evening"; "Thank you for arranging the evening"; "Thanks Anna. It was a great evening". So, join us! We look forward to seeing you soon. You're very, very, welcome.

15th August 2023
Speed Dating 50++ Sunday 6th August 2023
A very good-natured event. Guests enjoying themselves and there for the right reason - to meet new people, make new friends and meet someone special. Everyone had a match! They all enjoyed the event and that is what matters - a good evening out had by one and all. Thanks all round. Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

30th July 2023
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 23rd July 2023
Delightful event with such pleasant guests looking to see what the party might bring. Thanks from everybody for organising the evening. Not so many matches this time but then it happens that way sometimes. What better reason but to try again and meet more people. Guests gathered in the bar downstairs for a friendly drink afterwards. Join us next time. We look forward to seeing you. You're very, very welcome!

14th July 2023
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 9th July 2023
Superb evening! So many people! There was such a buzz of activity. Guests coming together, chatting, enjoying each other's company, ticking boxes, having fun, making new friends and thinking might this one be special. There were lots of matches. Most of the guests ended up in the bar downstairs to have drink together before going home. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you. I will definitely recommend the event to others"; "I had a great time. Was a new experience for me"; "Thank you for a lovely night"; "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you". I love to be thanked but most of all I love bringing people together. Join us! We look forward to seeing you soon. You're very, very welcome!

1st July 2023
Speed Dating 50++ Sunday 25th June 2023
WHAT A NIGHT! A truly lovely evening of people coming together to see what the evening would offer - and it did - lots of matches, lots of smiles and lots of good humour throughout. It could not have been better. Afterwards, a number of guests gathered in the bar downstairs for drinks. A relaxed atmosphere all round. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you Anna - it was a fun night and I'm so pleased I came"; "We had such a great night"; "We had such a great evening"; "Thank you Anna - really fun night"; "Thanks for a well run evening"; "Thanks for arranging last night - I really enjoyed it"; "Great evening"; "Thanks for a well organised evening"; "We had a great evening"; "Thanks again for a really fun evening"; "Thank you Anna. It was a really lovely evening"; "Thank you so much"; and so it went on. Convinced? Well, why not join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

16th June 2023
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 11th June 2023
A very pleasant event with guests enjoying each other's company, briefly finding out about one another and wondering could this be a match! Nothing ventured, nothing gained but a pleasant way to spend an evening out. A lot of "thank yous" as guests departed, some ending up in the bar downstairs having a drink with one another. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for hosting a great evening and look forward to coming along again in the near future"; "I very much enjoyed the evening"; "Thanks for organising a great event". A pleasure all round! Join us next time. You're very very welcome!

28th May 2023
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 21st May 2023
An amazing event! Lots of guests out for an evening of fun and getting to know new people with the prospect of finding a partner and making new friends. After the event had finished most of the guests gathered in the downstairs bar for drinks and chat. I so like it when they do that because it shows a willingness to make new friends whatever comes out of the matching for dating. A truly sociable evening. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you. Look forward to the next one!"; "Thanks for organising. It was fun!"; "I will recommend you"; "Lots of people to meet and great organisation". Join us next time. You are very, very welcome!

12th May 2023
Speed Dating 50++ Sunday 7th May 2023
Excellent event! Lots of guests and new faces. Lovely atmosphere in the way people interacted with one another. One man came bearing roses for all the ladies! Amongst the feedback: "Thanks very much for arranging yesterday's Speed Dating. I really enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you for organising the meet-up. I had a great time!"; "Thanks very much for last night. We had fun"; "Thank you for organising a fun evening"; "Thank you for organising yesterday evening. Great re the match!"; "Thank you for organising another fun Speed Dating event". Well, there you have it. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Join us next time. You're very very welcome!

20th April 2023
Speed Dating 40s & 50s Sunday 16th April 2023
A fun event with lovely people enjoying the prospect of what the evening had to offer. Certainly, there were matches to be had just so long as guests said yes to one another which they did. Matches in the making! Good feedback: "Enjoyed the evening"; "Had some good conversations"; "Thank you for organising"; "Thanks for another great evening"; "Real good blend of nice people and very well-organised". So, there you have it. Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

2nd April 2023
Speed Dating 30s & 40s Sunday 26th March 2023
A happy event! Good natured with people enjoying each other's company and getting to know one another. Great conversations whether or not they matched - and there were matches! One lady had so many that she told me she felt humbled! Feedback was good and we are looking forward to the next one. Join us! You're very very welcome!

22nd February 2023
Speed Dating 50++ Sunday 19th February 2023
A relaxed event resulting in a number of matches. Lots of good conversations with guests interacting easily. At the end most of us finished up in the bar downstairs over drinks and more entertaining conversation. A good end to the evening. Amongst the feedback: "Very enjoyable evening"; "Thank you for a wonderful evening"; "Really good evening as usual"; "I was looking forward to the evening and was not disappointed!". So, why not join us next time? You're very, very welcome!

11th February 2023
Speed Dating 40s & 50s Sunday 5th February 2023
Fantastic event! Over 30 guests coming together, enjoying each other's company, having great conversations and seeing where it would lead. Amongst the feedback: "I had a lovely, interesting time - thank you!"; "I had a great time. It's great to meet new nice people"; "Thank you for a well-organised evening"; "A great evening, many thanks"; "Thanks Anna. Really enjoyed the evening. Well organised as usual and a great crowd of people"; "I did enjoy the evening which was excellently organised and will definitely come again"; "Really enjoyed it!". Well, that's what it's all about - enjoying yourselves and having fun with a group of like-minded people. Why don't you come? Join us next time. You're very very welcome!

29th January 2023
Speed Dating 30s & 40s Sunday 22nd January 2023
A pleasant easy-going event with guests interacting easily and enjoying pleasant conversations - an evening out meeting new people. Amongst the feedback "I really enjoyed my first experience of Speed Dating and would definitely do it again. Everyone was so interesting to talk to. Thank you for hosting it."; "Thanks Anna for organising the event. Had a great time."; "Thank you, it was a lovely evening". Join us for this age group or other events in the future. You are very welcome!

15th January 2023
Speed Dating 20s & 30s Sunday 8th January 2023
Aaand we have lift off! First Speed Dating event of the year and what an event it was! Lots of guests, even numbers of men and women, lovely atmosphere with people enjoying an evening out and the possibilities in store. Amongst the feedback: "Really enjoyed the event. It felt very professional and relaxed. Great to get a match, A good evening. Thank you for organising"; "Thank you for arranging such a good evening. I had a brilliant time and will recommend it to others"; "Thanks for a fun night. I'll be sure to recommend your evenings"; "Thank you so much for the evening - it was absolutely wonderful and I will be recommending to every single person I know!". Gosh, I must be doing something right?! Don't miss out. Join us next time. You're very very welcome!

30th December 2022
Singles Christmas Party Sunday 18th December 2022
What a great event! It provided an excellent opportunity to interact with a wide variety of people. The difference in ages and difference in backgrounds provided interesting conversations. Amongst the feedback: "Anna, you're doing a great job bringing single people together. Thoroughly enjoyed the evening"; "A great evening. Managed to speak to everyone"; "An all round success. I met so many interesting people". International medium/clairvoyant, Robin was present to give readings for those interested. No doubt he gave guests something to talk about! Speed Dating is back on the agenda in January. Why not join us? You're very welcome!

9th December 2022
Speed Dating 50+ Sunday 4th December 2022
Goodness gracious! What an amazing event! So busy with over 30 guests and even numbers of men and women. Could not be better. It gave everyone opportunity and choice. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you so much. It was very enjoyable"; "Thanks Anna. A lovely evening brilliantly organised as ever"; "Great fun. Really enjoyed the evening"; "It was a lovely evening and very enjoyable"; "Thanks Anna, enjoyed the evening as did everyone. Very good turnout. You must be doing something right!"; "Great fun. Thank you for organising". Thanks everyone. Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

24th November 2022
Speed Dating 30s & 40s Sunday 20th November. 2022
Fantastic event! Lots of guests and fairly even numbers of men and women. The event was enjoyed in the newly refurbished surroundings of All Bar One. Good buzz of conversation between people brought together to make new relationships, new friends. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for organising the event"; Thank you, Anna, it was an enjoyable evening"; "A good evening!"; "Thank you for last night. It is lovely that you are bringing people together". I love that last one! Without a doubt, it gives me great pleasure to see guests arriving on their own and walking away together after having only just met. Join us next time. You're very, very welcome!

10th October 2022
Speed Dating 20s & 30s Sunday 2nd October 2022
A good and friendly event. Guests getting to know each other and enjoying one another's company. Prior to arriving for the evening they had not met before and by the end everyone was sitting down together enjoying food, drinks and making new friends. My job done! Excellent feedback - "Thank you"; "Thank you"; "Thank you". Join us for this age group or other events in the future. You are very welcome!

25th September 2022
Speed Dating 55+ Sunday 18th September 2022
Another great evening! Once again, everyone had a 'yes' and therefore the opportunity to have a date. Good atmosphere and a lot of laughter. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you Anna. You did a beautiful job of bringing people together. You are very professional and stylish in your presentation. Everyone was polite, interesting and good conversationalists"; "Thanks Anna. Enjoyed the evening"; "Many thanks Anna". Join us next time for this age group in early December. You're very very welcome!

10th September 2022
Speed Dating 40s & 50s Sunday 4th September 2022
What a night! When the results came out, everyone had a 'yes' and therefore the opportunity to go on a date. I love it when that happens. A great atmosphere with delightful guests enjoying the opportunity of what the evening might bring. Conversation flowed with lots of laughter. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for such a great evening, Anna, so well organised as usual!"; "Thanks for last night"; "Thank you for a great evening"; "Merci!". Join us next time. You're very welcome!

27th August 2022
Speed Dating 20s & 30s Sunday 21st August 2022
Wow! What a wonderful event. A very large number of guests - the room was full, fairly even numbers of men and women and an excellent atmosphere with laughter and good conversation. What could have been better? Amongst the feedback: "It was a fun event and nice to meet new people"; "I had a great time"; "It was a lovely evening"; "Thanks Anna. It was a great evening - very well organised!"; "Thank you for a lovely evening"; "Thank you for hosting the event, it was a good evening"; "It was a fun experience and lovely to meet and chat to so many different people". Well, all I can say is join us next time for this age group - Sunday 2nd October. You're very, very welcome!

14th August 2022
Speed Dating 55+ Sunday 7th August 2022
Excellent event! The conversation buzzed and as a consequence there were a lot of matches. People coming together and enjoying a thoroughly good evening out. What's not to like? Everyone departed the event afterwards with "Thank you"; "Thank you"; "Thank you"; "It was such a fun evening". So, why not join us next time for this age group on Sunday 18th September. Having an evening out, meeting lots of people, meeting someone special and having fun. You're very welcome!

24th July 2022
Speed Dating 40s & 50s Sunday 17th July 2022
Once the event got started it was great. Men and women meeting up for the first time and having good conversations and lots of matches. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"; "Thanks for organising the event"; "It was fun and a well-organised evening"; "Thank you, Anna, it was lovely to meet you. I had an absolutely fabulous evening - thank you"; "Thank you for arranging the evening". Join us next time for this age group on Sunday 4th September. You're very welcome!

10th July 2022
Speed Dating 20s & 30s Sunday 3rd July 2022
Delightful group of people coming together to meet, chat and find out if something special might come about as a result. During the breaks the men gathered round to talk to one another as did the ladies making it a very sociable and happy evening. Amongst the feedback: "A very well organised and professionally run evening. Will definitely come back"; "Thank you for another excellent evening!"; "I enjoyed meeting everyone and just chatting to people and having a drink". Join us next time for this age group on Sunday 23rd August. You're very welcome!

18th June 2022
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 12th June 2022
A lovely evening with some old friends attending not seen since pre-covid. Well-attended, over 20, and evenly balanced between men and women. Good conversations/exchanges had by all. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for all your hard work"; "Thanks for organising"; "Many thanks"; "Thanks for all your help in bringing people together". Join us next time for this age group - newly titled 55+ on Sunday 31st July. You're very welcome!

29th May 2022
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 22nd May 2022
A good event! A slight imbalance in numbers (and a waiting list) but matches nevertheless. As one of the guests said on the evening if he hadn't attended the event he would have been at home watching television so much preferred that he was there. Good to hear! Amongst the feedback: "It was great to get out and meet people"; "Thank you for the event"; "Thank you for hosting a lovely evening"; "I really enjoyed it". Join us next time for this age group - 40s & 50s - on Sunday 17th July. You're very welcome!

13th May 2022
Speed Dating 20s & 30s Sunday 8th May
What a great evening! Lots and lots of new people - over 30 attending and a waiting list! Perhaps changing the age range ever so slightly made a difference? Whatever, guests happily came together meeting each other for the first time and enjoying the event and the opportunity it provided. Thank you, thank you, thank you rang in my ears as people departed. My response - I thank you all for coming because without you there would be no event. Join us next time for this age group on Sunday 26th June. You're very welcome!

30th April 2022
Speed Dating 49+ Sunday 24th April 2022
A well-attended and happy evening for all those involved. Even numbers of men and women coming together to enjoy each other's company with the opportunity to meet up again on a date! Plenty of matches. Amongst the feedback: "I really enjoyed myself - a very good evening out"; "You do a fantastic job!"; "Thank you for organising"; "Thank you - a relaxed evening". Join us next time for this age group on Sunday 12th June. You're very welcome1

13th April 2022
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 10th April
Excellent event! Friendly, sociable, easy going with a lot of humour. Good conversations were had by all. Matches galore! Amongst the feedback: "Many thanks for your hard work. Most enjoyable"; "Thank you Anna. I really enjoyed last night"; "Much appreciated". Join us next time for this age group on Sunday 22nd May. Please come. You are very welcome, always!

3rd April 2022
Speed Dating 25-42 Monday 28th March
It was great to be back at my old haunt All Bar One. Lovely group of people coming together to get to know each other and the conversation buzzed! Amongst the feedback: "Once again thank you for a good evening"; "I think you are doing a great service to people - I had another great night"; "Thank you very much, that was so much fun!"; "I had a fun evening". There you have it - people out for an evening enjoying themselves no matter what. Join us next time for this age group in May. You're very welcome!

19th February 2022
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 13th February
A pleasant event bringing together lovely people looking for an evening out and an opportunity to meet others all looking for that special person. Great buzz of conversation. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you!"; "Thank you for organising"; and so on. Next event for this age group will be in April. Join us? Yes, you are very welcome!

6th February 2022
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 30th January
A lovely event - pleasing and easy-going. A group of people coming together and meeting for the first time. The conversation buzzed! Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for a lovely evening and for making me feel so welcome and comfortable"; "We really enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you for organising. We'll come again"; "Thank you. It was a fun evening"; "Thank you for your effort and friendliness"; "Thank you. I had a really fun evening". And the thanks continued! Join us next time for this age group end of March. Next event will be the 38-55 on Sunday 13th February. You're very welcome!

27th December 2021
Christmas Party for Singles
An excellent evening enjoyed by all. Despite the uncertainties surrounding Christmas celebrations - we did it! Good numbers of people coming together, making new friends, enjoying each other's company and an exchange of contact details! Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for an amazing Christmas Party"; "Thanks for running the event, I had a great evening"; "Thank you so much for offering the party and giving everyone the opportunity to go out for the evening". The clairvoyant held readings for many of the guests and added to the enjoyment of the evening. Join us in the New Year for more events. You're very welcome!

12th December 2021
Speed Dating 49+ Sunday 5th December 2021
A vibrant event! It was very well attended. Guests enjoying the opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, meet someone special and have fun. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for organising"; "It was GREAT!"; "Interesting evening"; "I do like Aquavitae as the venue". Join us for the Christmas Party on 19th December - for all ages. You're very welcome!

28th November 2021
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 21st November 2021
This was the best attended event since the end of lock-down. People coming out for the evening to meet other people, make new friends and meet someone special. What a great atmosphere! Amongst the feedback: "I had a lovely evening"; "I really enjoyed the evening - your events are great!"; "Thanks for hosting. I really enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you Anna. I have my first match. Exciting!"; "Thank you for a fun evening"; "Thank you for a fun evening. So well organised and lovely people". There you have it, so join us next time especially for the Christmas Party on Sunday 19th December. You're very welcome!

17th October 2021
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 10th October 2021
An amazing event! People coming together for the first time and even numbers of men and women. Conversation flowed freely with guests enjoying each other's company. Plenty of matches. Amongst the feedback: "A fun evening and good to meet you"; "Thanks for a great evening"; "Thanks, Anna. Always good fun. Will stick around for a drink afterwards next time"; "Thank you for a lovely evening. I really enjoyed meeting the ladies in a safe environment and had a lot of fun. You create a great friendly atmosphere for everyone to enjoy themselves." Join us next time. You're very welcome!

29th September 2021
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 26th September 2021
A very sociable and pleasant evening was enjoyed by everyone. Guests happily chatted to one another and during the break mixed easily with the men talking to each other and likewise the ladies. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you Anna, I really enjoyed it"; "A great event, thank you": "Thank you so much for last night"; "My friend really enjoyed her first Speed Dating". Why not join us next time? You're very welcome!

19th September 2021
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 12th September 2021
Another lovely event at Aquavitae. Guests meeting each other for the first time and happily chatting to one another. A really good atmosphere. Amongst the feedback: "I had an enjoyable Sunday evening!"; "It was good to get out and mingle"; "So grateful for the opportunity to come out and meet people!" Why not join us? You're very welcome!

Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 15th Augus
25th August 2021
WOW what a wonderful event! This age group really enjoyed being out for the evening and free to meet others of their own age. Almost even numbers of men and women happily chatting to one another with the chance of meeting one to one in the near future. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you Anna and thanks for putting on a fun evening"; "Lovely to see you and your daughter and thanks for putting on the event". The pièce de résistance came from a guest attending for the first time who said "Thank you for a fabulous evening, a good atmosphere and positive vibes throughout the whole evening and I had a great time! You were a brilliant host and made me feel very welcome especially as I came alone. A good choice of venue as well with the entertaining bar staff." Well, a big thank you to all those who attended because without the guests there would be no event. Join us next time for this age group on Sunday 10th October. You're very welcome!

7th August 2021
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 1st August 2021
What a fantastic event! Folks relaxed and happy to be out for an evening of meeting and matching. Amongst the feedback: "It was a lovely evening. Thank you!"; "Thank you for a great evening"; "Thanks, Anna, for a friendly, enjoyable evening - credit to you for organising"; "Had a great time last night - really lovely people"; "Thanks, Anna, for a fun evening and for some really nice people"; "I really enjoyed the evening. Thank you for organising"; "Thank you for a really lovely sociable evening". So, why not join us next time for this age group planned for 26th September. You're very welcome!

22nd July 2021
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 18th July 2021
Speed Dating is back! What a fabulous event after such a long lockdown. Lots of guests and almost even numbers of men and women enjoying an evening out. Mixing and matching and keeping safe. Amongst the feedback: "Had a good time. Thank you for organising'; "I had fun. Much appreciated"; "We really enjoyed the evening"; "How lovely to be out and amongst people chatting so easily. Thank you!". Next event will be the 49++ age group on Sunday 1st August. Join us. You're very welcome!

7th November 2020
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 1st November 2020
Another great event and well-supported despite these testing times! Aquavitae provided an attractive, comfortable background serving drinks at tables as per current government regulations. A lovely atmosphere prevailed with couples sitting at tables spaced out, chatting easily and happily and really enjoying meeting each other. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for hosting a lovely evening"; "Thanks for organising a great evening"; "Thank you for a well-organised evening"; "Great event. Will come again". The evening provided a perfect opportunity to be out, meeting new people and to enjoy yourself. Join us next time for the evenings planned on 6th and 13th December. You're very welcome!

17th October 2020
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 11th October 2020
A most enjoyable evening spent in the comfortable and peaceful surroundings of Aquavitae. Everyone remarked how pleasant it was to be there. Fairly even numbers of men and women enjoying the opportunity to meet and speak and to have some fun. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for the event"; "Good experience - I"m new to this"; "I thoroughly enjoyed last night. Thank you"; and so it went on. Just a note to say that the comfort and well-being of guests was top priority and all in keeping with the new regulations. Join us next time for this age group on 29th November. You're very welcome!

20th September 2020
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 13th September 2020
The first Speed Dating event since March in the splendid new venue Aquavitae and didn't it go well! People coming together, meeting, chatting, making new friends and matches. Fairly even numbers of men and women enjoying each other's company whilst respecting social distancing. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for putting on the event. Thoroughly enjoyed it"; "Good to be out and meeting new people"; "Thank you for organising"; "Had a good evening meeting new people". Join us next time for this age group in November. You're welcome!

30th August 2020
Late Summer Party For Singles Sunday 30th August 2020
A perfect end of the summer celebration after months of having to stay indoors away from other people. Meeting new people and having conversation face to face was the name of the game and the guests enjoyed themselves at the stunning new venue - Aquavitae. There was a clairvoyant, Robin, present to give readings which was very popular. Amongst the feedback: "It was a fun evening"; "Thoroughly enjoyed the party"; "Lovely evening - will definitely try the Speed Dating"; "What an exciting venue!"; "I'll be back!" and so the comments went on. Next event will be Speed Dating for the 38-55 age group on Sunday 13th September. Join us. You're very welcome!

Wednesday 11th March 2020
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 1st March 2020
Lovely event with even numbers of men and women getting to know each other for the first time. Good buzz of conversation. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for a nice social evening. It was less traumatic than I'd anticipated!"; "I'm glad I attended. Well done for organising the evening"; "It was a lovely evening"; "It was a fun evening"; "Thanks for a lovely evening. Your efforts are greatly appreciated". Join us next time for this age group on 26th April. You're very welcome!

15th February 2020
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 9th February 2020
Good-natured and friendly event with guests enjoying themselves whilst meeting each other for the first time. Several stayed afterwards to have a drink together in the bar below having met one another only a few hours earlier - truly sociable! Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for organising a very pleasant evening"; "Thank you. I had a lovely time"; "Really enjoyed last night!'; "Had a lovely evening". Join us next time in April for this age group. You are very welcome!

Friday 30th January 2020
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 26th January 2020
Fabulous event! A lovely group of guests who entered into the spirit of the occasion with the excitement of what might come out of meeting each other. There was a good buzz of conversation and lots of smiles. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for organising. I really enjoyed meeting everyone."; "Thanks for last night. As always, a great evening."; "Thank you for organising. An interesting evening!"; "Thank you for a lovely night."; "Thank you for a lovely evening."; "Thanks Anna. You did a lovely job of bringing it all together." There you have it! So, why not join us next time on 22nd March for this age group. You're very welcome!

Saturday 18th January 2020
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 12th January 2020
A very pleasant event with very pleasant people coming together for an evening of getting to know one another. Amongst the feedback: "Found the evening interesting and met some very nice people"; "Thank you; would definitely go again"; "Well pleased with my matches!"; "A lovely evening. Thank you". So, all went well and the evening was a success. Several stayed behind afterwards for a drink in the bar downstairs. Join us next time for this age group on 1st March. You're very welcome!

Tuesday 31st December 2019
Singles Christmas Party Sunday 15th December 2019
There were over 50 guests of all ages attending the party. Excellent atmosphere with guests circulating, chatting and enjoying themselves. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for last night, I really enjoyed it"; "Thank you for a lovely evening at the Christmas Party. There were some lovely people there"; "It was a great night!". There are Speed Dating events already on the website for January. Look forward to seeing you in the New Year!

Friday 13th December 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 9th December 2019
A good event after a few ups and downs at the beginning! Everyone enjoyed meeting each other. Amongst the feedback: "It was a good night"; "Great evening - thank you"; "It was fun and I enjoyed meeting everyone"; "Will definitely be back again in the future". Also, a lot of thanks was expressed by guests as they departed at the end of the evening. Next event for this age group will be in February of the New Year. Join us! You're very welcome!

Friday 29th November 2019
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 24th November 2019
A very friendly, relaxed event with people coming together and enjoying an evening out in each other's company. Everyone said how much they had enjoyed themselves. Amongst the feedback: "What a great time"; "Thoroughly enjoyed myself"; "Lovely evening with lots of laughter"; "Thanks for a lovely evening"; "Great selection of guys and the ladies were really friendly"; "It was a great night!" Next event for this age group will be in the New Year - meanwhile join us at the Christmas Party on Sunday 15th December. You are very welcome!

Friday 1st November 2019
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 27th October 2019
Fantastic event! Well over 30 and even numbers which always helps. Guests were friendly and chatted easily to one another thereby creating a wonderful atmosphere. Amongst the feedback - "I really enjoyed myself"; "Thanks for a fab night"; "Thank you for a well-organised event"; "Great evening and I will certainly come again"; "I'm in shock! So many matches". Well, I guess that's what it's about. Meeting someone new and having choices. So join us next time. You're very welcome!

Friday 25th October 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 20th October 2019
Another cracking event for this age group! Everyone was so friendly and welcoming towards one another thereby creating such a happy atmosphere. It was a pleasure to host. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for hosting the event"; "Thank you for a lovely evening"; "I really enjoyed the evening and found it well-organised"; "Thanks, Anna, I had a lot of fun!". Also I could see guests making friendships with one another. Like I always say, the evening is an opportunity to make new friends as well as to meet someone special; the women can talk and share together, likewise the men. So join us next time on Sunday 8th December. You're very welcome!

Friday 20th September 2019
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 15th September 2019
A very pleasant and easy-going event with guests enjoying themselves and there was a good buzz of conversation. Thirty attendees and everyone said yes to someone so plenty of opportunity for matches. Amongst the feedback: "Brought my friend along who was very nervous and wasn't sure whether to come and within five minutes she was thoroughly enjoying herself!"; "Thank you for this evening. I will come again"; "Thank you, I had an amazing time"; "Thank you. I have not laughed so much in ages". Join us next time for this age group in November. You're very welcome!

Saturday 7th September 2019
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 1st September 2019
Great atmosphere with guests talking easily to one another. Plenty of smiles and pleasant exchanges. Good humour was in abundance. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for a very entertaining evening. It was such fun!"; "A good night out! Thank you for organising."; "Enjoyed it. Will come again."; "Thank you so much. It was terrific fun and relaxed. All the ladies were nice and welcoming."; "A very interesting evening!"; "Although intially nervous and apprehensive, I actually thoroughly enjoyed the evening. Already, I have had two dates with the match I wanted and feel on top of the world! Will happily recommend your events." There you have it. It requires courage but when the effort is made it all works out. That's life, I guess. Join us next time. You're very welcome!

Friday 23rd August 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 18th August 2019
Another dream of an event! Over 30 guests in attendance. Everybody meeting each other for the first time and getting on so well together. Everyone had a chance to make a date. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you so much for organising a lovely Speed Dating event. I had an amazing time and chatted to some very lovely men. I would definitely recommend it to my single friends"; "Lovely to meet you and everyone there"; "Great event. Please come to Bristol and hold events"; "Thank you for putting on such a great event"; "Very well-organised!". There you have it, don't miss out and join us next time on Sunday 29th September for this age group. You're very welcome!

Saturday 27th July 2019
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 21st July 2019
A delightful group of people meeting each other for the first time. It was alot of fun with humour shared and guests talking easily to one another and engaging in pleasant conversation. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a great evening";"Thank you for last night. It was enjoyable"; "Thumbs up for last night!"; "A top night!"; "Even though it was my first time, I did enjoy it"; "Thank you so much!". Join us next time on Sunday 15th September. You're very welcome!

Saturday 29th June 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 23rd June 2019
A dream of an event! All the guests pleasantly interacted with each other and were willing to match. Everyone had something out of the evening. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a lovely night!"; "Thank you for hosting last night. It was nice to meet you"; "Thanks for hosting the event"; "Really enjoyed the event"; "It was a really fun evening"; "Thank you, Anna. Always an enjoyable evening and well-organised". All the guests gathered in the bar below afterwards to have a drink together. Most of them had not met each other before the evening; new friendships in the making. What are you waiting for? Join us next time for this age group on 18th August. You're very welcome!

Saturday 15th June 2019
Speed Dating 49++ Sunday 9th June 2019
Lovely people made a lovely event and well-attended. Amongst the feedback: "A very interesting evening and lots of fun"; "Thank you for a lovely evening"; "It was fun!"; "I shall definitely be coming again". Two guests meeting each other for the first time went off into the sunset together - love at first sight! So, guys, it does happen and the proof was there for everyone to see. We all wish them well, but meanwhile the next event for this age group will be on Sunday 4th August. Join us - you may meet the love of your life! You're very welcome!

Saturday 18th May 2019
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 12th May 2019
A very friendly and relaxed evening with guests chatting easily to one another and positively enjoying having the opportunity to talk happily and share stuff during their 5 minute conversations. Amongst the feedback - "Thank you for another enjoyable evening. I'm always pleasantly surprised how many singles you find so close by"; "Fantastic night! You really do a great job getting such nice people"; "Great fun!"; "At the end of the evening having spent a lovely time, I left All Bar One feeling uplifted and happy!" I love that last one. It truly shows that these events can make people happy apart from the opportunities they present of meeting new people, making new friends and meeting someone special. So join us next time. You're very welcome!

Saturday 4th May 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 28th April 2019
Fantastic event! It went so smoothly. Great atmosphere! A group of men and women out for the evening and enjoying meeting each other. There were lots of matches. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a lovely evening"; "Thanks very much, Anna"; "Thanks for a great night!"; "Many thanks for everything"; "Thanks very much for a lovely time on Sunday"; "Thank you Anna, it was another enjoyable evening"; "Thank you for organising the event, again I found it very enjoyable". So, everyone enjoyed themselves and there were plenty of matches. Join us next time on Sunday 23rd June. You are very welcome!

Tuesday 9th April 2019
Speed Dating 49+ Sunday 7th April 2019
Lovely atmosphere with guests chatting easily and getting to know each other. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for organising"; "I enjoyed it as always"; "Thank you - I enjoyed it"; "Thanks for a great night"; "It was so much fun!" There you have it! Having fun whilst meeting new people, making new friends and meeting someone special. What could be better when you are single and looking for love and companionship. So, join us next time for the 49+ age group on Sunday 2nd June 7pm upstairs at All Bar One Cheltenham. You are very welcome!

Friday 29th March 2019
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 24th March 2019
A good evening out judging by the feedback! A great buzz of conversation and guests getting to know each other. Everyone had a match. Amongst the feedback: "That was a good evening out! Much appreciated"; "I enjoyed last night - thank you"; "Thanks for a fun evening"; "Thanks for organising the evening. I enjoyed it"; "Thank you for organising the event. I was apprehensive beforehand but once I settled in, I found it enjoyable". The last comment should encourage people who are nervous that on the evening everyone is in the same situation and very quickly begin to enjoy themselves. Join us next time on Sunday 12th May. You're very welcome!

Saturday 9th March 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 3rd March 2019
A very pleasant event with a good atmosphere. Always disappointing when guests book and pay and don't turn up, but in spite of that everyone who attended enjoyed themselves. There was that wonderful buzz of conversation which tells you that everything is going well and people are happy. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a fun evening"; "Thank you for running the event - it was a lot of fun!"; "Thank you, Anna, it was great fun". So, join us next time on Sunday 28th April. You're very welcome!

Saturday 16th February 2019
Speed Dating 50+ Sunday 10th February 2019
Lovely people, lovely event! Relaxed, easy-going, with even numbers of men and women enjoying themselves on a night out to meet each other and meet someone special - just in time to meet their Valentine! Amongst the feedback: "Delightful evening!"; "The event was well run"; "Many thanks for your efforts"; "Thank you. I had a lovely time and the gents were all very nice indeed! I would love to come again"; "Once again, the ladies were lovely". There you have it! Why wait - join us next time on Sunday 7th April. You're very welcome!

Saturday 2nd February 2019
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 27th January 2019
What a good-natured evening! A very pleasant atmosphere with guests coming together and having good conversation whether or not they said 'yes' to each other. Amongst the feedback: "Many thanks for a great evening"; "Again, a very good evening"; "Excellent organisation. Far better than those offered in Birmingham"; "First experience of Speed Dating. I had a lovely evening"; "Thanks for organising". Fantastic! Everyone enjoyed themselves whether or not they had matches afterwards. Join us next time on 24th March. You're very welcome!

Friday 18th January 2019
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 13th January 2019
A gem of an evening! Lovely atmosphere! Delightful guests! You could feel the anticipation. Afterwards, guests gathered in the bar below and enjoyed each other's company having only met each other a few hours before. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks it was an enjoyable evening"; "Thank you. Enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you, Anna, and thanks for a great evening"; "Thanks Anna, it was really good fun"; "A good evening!"; "Enjoyable evening once again"; "Thank you for organising the event. I had a fun time!". Well, here's to the next time. Join us! You're very welcome!

Thursday 20th December 2018
Christmas Party Sunday 16th December 2018
WOW! What a wonderful party. Fabulous people all coming together to wish each other a Happy Christmas over a glass of prosecco and more. The Beehive was a perfect venue in their room upstairs with loads of character. Phil Phillips, clairvoyant, contributed to the success of it all with his readings - most interesting....! Amongst the feedback: "A good night!"; "Thank you for a nice evening"; "Thanks for organising the party. A lovely evening"; "A great night. Made me feel really Christmassy"; "Please, let's have one again". I am thrilled that guests entered into the spirit of it all, and there were matches to be had with exchange of contact details. We wish everybody a very Happy Christmas and see you in the New Year. You are very, very welcome!

Friday 7th December 2018
Speed Dating 50+ Sunday 2nd December 2018
A good-natured, happy event full of people enjoying each other's company and out to have a lovely evening. Afterwards, people gathered together in the bar downstairs to have a drink and continue their conversation. Wonderful! A group of people who had not met before the evening, making new friends, new contacts and seeing where it would lead. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a fun evening"; "Thank you for arranging last night. It was a lovely evening"; "Thank you for a lovely, lovely evening and making me feel so welcome"; "Last night was most enjoyable"; "Thank you for last night"; "Thanks for a fun night"; "Thanks for a great evening"; "Thank you - I really enjoyed my evening. Although a little apprehensive, it was a fascinating place to be with the opportunity to chat with both men and women in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. A refreshing change". Anyone in any doubt about taking a chance but wanting to come out to meet new people should take on board that last review. It really is worthwhile making that extra effort to bring good change into your life. Next event for the 50+ age group will be on 10th February. You are very, very welcome!

25th November 2018
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 18th November 2018
A rip-roaring event as is the norm with so many people coming and going and meeting and matching. As always, a great atmosphere with guests enjoying themselves and staying for a drink at the bar afterwards which is a good sign of how the evening goes. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for organising - I really enjoyed the experience"; "Enjoyed last night!"; "Thank you so much. It was a great evening"; "Thank you for a very enjoyable evening". Next event for this age group will be the Christmas Party on Sunday 16th December - glass of prosecco included, music for dancing and more besides... You're very welcome!

Friday 9th November 2018
Speed Dating 25-42 Sunday 4th November 2018
A great evening with a friendly, happy atmosphere; people coming together, meeting each other and seeing what comes out of it. Amongst the feedback: "Many thanks for a good evening"; "Thanks, Anna, another good evening"; "Thanks, Anna, had a good time"; "Thank you so much for another super, fun evening"; "Thank you for an enjoyable experience"; "It was a fun evening. Thanks for hosting"; "My matches have brought a smile to my face". I love that last comment! Bring some happiness into your life and join us next time. The next date for this age group will be early in the New Year. Meanwhile, there is a Christmas Party on 16th December. Don't miss out. You're very welcome!

25th October 2018
Speed Dating 50+ Sunday 21st October 2018
A busy evening for this new age group of guests out to enjoy themselves mixing and matching! A high turnout of guests so plenty of opportunity to meet someone special or simply to have a fun time. Amongst the feedback: "Fabulous evening!"; "Thank you for organising such a good event"; "Really liked the ladies - it was a good evening"; "Delighted with my match!"; "Thanks for a fun evening"; "It was a lovely evening"; "Enjoyed the evening - lots of interesting conversations"; "I enjoyed it - it was fun to meet everyone". This is what it is all about. Whether you end up with a match or not you will have met lots of very pleasant people and will have had fun doing so. Join us next time for this age group on 2nd December. You're very welcome!

Sunday 30th September 2018
Speed Dating 38-55 Sunday 23rd September 2018
What a fantastic turnout of guests! The new age group went down well with everyone. Smiles all round with, as always, people enjoying meeting one another and having fun. Amongst the feedback: "Many thanks for a very enjoyable evening"; "Great night!"; "Thank you so much for last night. I really did enjoy myself"; "I enjoyed the evening"; "Thanks for organising the evening"; "Thank you for an enjoyable evening". Next event for this age group will be on Sunday 18th November. Please join us and have fun! You're very welcome!

Thursday 13th September 2018
Speed Dating 21-38 Sunday 9th September
A delightful evening! Guests easily engaged with one another, creating an easy-going atmosphere. Numbers were around the 30 mark so plenty of opportunities to meet someone special. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for such a nice evening!"; "Wanted to thank you for last night. Really well run event and I had a great time as I know everyone I spoke to afterwards did as well"; "Enjoyable evening, would definitely do again"; "Really enjoyed the evening"; "An amazine event!" So, there you have it. Join us next time on 4th Novemer for this age group. You're welcome!

Tuesday 7th August 2018
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 5th August 2018
Another very buzzy evening of Speed Dating for the 45+ age group and didn't it go well with people chatting, smiling and enjoying each other's company. Despite the hot weather, people made the effort to come out and meet each other, meet new people and make new friends and connections. Amongst the feedback: "Fantastic night!"; "Real nice evening, nice crowd"; "Thank you, Anna, really nice of you"; "Interesting evening!"; "Thank you so much for a very enjoyable evening". Join us next time. You're very welcome!

15th July 2018
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 8th July 2018
We were at bursting point tonight with the numbers attending! Fantastic bunch of people who enjoyed meeting each other for the first time and I noticed afterwards that many of them gathered in the bar downstairs for a drink afterwards. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for a great night!"; "Thank you for a fun evening"; "Thank you for organising. Did have a fun evening"; "Thanks, Anna, it was an enjoyable evening". Next 28-44 event will be on 19th August. Please book your place online - you will have a fun evening. You're very welcome!

Saturday 30th June 2018
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 24th June 2018
Another lovely evening spent in the company of delightful people who were taking their chances on an evening of Speed Dating to meet that special person. It happened at the last 45+ event in May and the said couple are walking into the sunset together! An easy evening with good conversation and laughter which goes to make up a worthwhile evening out. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a great evening"; "Thank you - it was a pleasant evening"; "Thank you, Anna, I had a lovely time"; "Thank you for organising and running the event so beautifully"; "Thanks for a lovely evening"; "Thank you for a most enjoyable time". See you next time - 5th August. You're welcome!

Sunday 27th May 2018
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 20th May 2018
A very realaxed and easy-going evening. Up to 30 booked in and even numbers of men and women. Conversation buzzed, as always, and there were plenty of matches afterwards. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you very much for a well-organised evening"; "I had a great time!"; "Thanks for organising a great evening"; "Thanks for a lovely evening"; "Really enjoyed the Speed Dating"; "Thank you for organising the event"; "Lovely, that I got the match I wanted!" So, dreams do come true! Why not join us next time on Sunday, 8th July. You are very welcome!

Saturday 19th May 2018
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 13th May 2018
An amazing evening with a wonderful atmosphere. People were happily chatting to one another and getting on well together. There were over 40 guests, even numbers of men and women and lots of matches. Amongst the feedback: "Enjoyed Sunday - thank you for arranging"; "Thank you for a fun evening and for organising"; "Thank you for hosting such a great evening"; "What an enjoyable evening!"; "Thank you for hosting a lovely evening. Such fun to meet new people". The last comment sums it up - having fun meeting new people and see where it takes you. So join us next time on Sunday 24th June. You are very welcome!

Wednesday 11th April 2018
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 8th April 2018
This event had a really easy-going and delightful atmosphere. Guests were smiling and interested in meeting each other for the first time. Conversation flowed easily and pleasantly. Afterwards a large number of the guests had a drink together in the bar downstairs and went on to a club. So, people who had never met before until the evening ended up enjoying each other's company on a night out. What could be better?! Amongst the feedback: "Anna - thank you for putting on such a professional event"; "Thank you! Such a fun night"; "Many thanks. Enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you for a good night"; "Many thanks for organising the evening. I did enjoy it. It was well organised". There you have it - a success all round. Join us next time on Sunday 20th May. You're very welcome!

Sunday 1st April 2018
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 25th March 2018
Another friendly and relaxed evening of almost 40 participants enjoying the opportunity to meet new people and make new connections. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for organising last night. Very successful and busy"; Thanks for being such a great hostess"; "Thank you. Thoroughly enjoyed it"; It was a good, fun evening"; "Thank you. I really enjoyed the evening"; "Thank you, Anna, I enjoyed the evening and am very glad I took the big step forward and came". I love that last comment because it does take effort to get back into the social whirl and when you do, it is worth it! Next 45+ event scheduled for 13th May. Maybe I'll see you there?

Sunday 25th February 2018
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 18th February 2018
What an evening! 40 guests on board and we sailed through! Everyone enjoying meeting each other whether or not they ticked each other's box. Apart from meeting someone special, this is a perfect opportunity to make new friends and meet like-minded people. Amongst the feedback: "I had a great time!"; "Thanks for a great night. Best one I've been to"; "Very enjoyable evening!; "It was a really good night"; "Had a great time. Thank you"; "Really enjoyed last night. It has restored my confidence after a painful divorce". I like that last one. Coming out and meeting new, single people works for each of us in all manner of ways. Join us next time on 8th April and see for yourself. You're very welcome!

Saturday 10th February 2018
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 4th February 2018
What a lovely evening! People thoroughly enjoying meeting each other. The buzz of conversation and the atmosphere it created was par excellence! Whether or not guests ticked each other's box, they enjoyed talking to one another and at times, I was told, 5 minutes was simply not long enough! Lots of 'yes' boxes were ticked which led to lots of matches. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you very much for an enjoyable evening"; "Really good evening; lovely crowd of people"; "WOW - fabulous evening!"; "Exciting evening; full of promise". That last comment wraps it up entirely; an evening full of opportunity and having fun simply by being there! Next 45+ will be on 25th March. Be there!

Thursday 28th December 2017
Christmas Party Sunday 17th December 2017
Lovely evening with 50 guests and a good ratio of men and women. To spice things up a bit, I invited a clairvoyant to come along to give readings for those who wanted to see how their future would unfold. Amongst the excellent feedback: "Thank you for hosting a lovely evening last night - I was very apprehensive about going as I haven't done anything like this before but I really enjoyed it. Lovely venue, interesting people and very relaxed"; "Thank you, I had a really nice time. I felt so relaxed"; "Thanks, Anna, for helping me to make contact with a guest after the party"; "Thank you for organising a relaxing and enjoyable evening where I shared good conversations with a number of interesting people". So, there you have it! Come Speed Dating in 2018 and meet like-minded people, make new friends and meet someone special. You're very welcome!

Friday 8th December 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 3rd December 2017
Fantastic evening with equal numbers! Don't I just love it when it works out to be even numbers of men and women - 32 in all - people coming out for an evening of meeting new like-minded people and seeing where it takes them. Amongst the feedback: "Absolutely delighted with my matches. Thank you so much"; "Thank you for arranging this event"; "Thanks Anna"; "I enjoyed the evening"; "I enjoyed last night so much"; "A very good evening. We enjoyed ourselves!". Next event is the Christmas Party for all ages on Sunday 17th December. Have a glass of bubbly and meet new single people. The celebrated clairvoyant Mande Stanford will be in attendance to give Kiss and Tell readings. You are very welcome!

Wednesday 15th November 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 12th November 2017
An amazing evening! 39 guests booked in and lots of matches which is what it is all about. It was such a good atmosphere. Happy people enjoying an evening out together. Amongst the feedback: "We all had a great night and so much fun"; "Thank you for a great evening"; "Thank you for a very enjoyable evening"; "It was a great evening"; "Thank you for a fun night"; "Thank you for organising. It's a fun way to spend a Sunday evening!". So why not join us next time? There will be another 28-44 Speed Dating event on 10th December. Don't hang back - join in! You're very welcome!

Sunday 5th November 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 29th October 2017
Fabulous event and a great atmosphere. All down to the lovely guests attending this 45+ event. Reasonably even numbers of men and women out for the evening and enjoying themselves. Amongst the feedback: "I've never done anything like this before so it was a nerve-racking experience but as I relaxed into it, I did have fun"; "An interesting evening"; "Thanks for a nice evening"; "Thank you for a most enjoyable evening"; "Thank you for putting on the event"; "Thank you for a most enjoyable evening. It's nice to meet new people, have a chat in a pleasant environment whether or not matches come as a result". That last comment so much sums up the true nature of the evening. An opportunity to meet like-minded people, make new friends and the possibility of meeting someone special. Next 45+ is on Sunday 26th November. Make it a date! You're very welcome!

Friday, 6th October 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 1st October 2017
Once again, a superb event for this age group and what a turnout! Thirty-nine guests booked in for what was a truly lovely event. Everyone had a match and by the looks on their faces thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you very much Anna"; "Lovely surprise to have so many matches"; "Anna, thank you for organising such a wonderful night"; "Had a great evening"; "Thank you for last night. A really fun evening"; "Thank you for a lovely evening. Very professionally done and I enjoyed myself"; "A really good event last night, Anna. I reckon it's got to be your busiest yet! Keep up the good work"; "Thanks for setting up the event". I would like to add to that my thanks to everyone who attended and made it such a wonderful night. You are all very welcome!

Sunday, 24th September 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 17th September 2017
What a fantastic event! Great turnout of guests - 30 - and even numbers of men and women. The opportunities were there for everyone to make a date or number of dates. A lovely atmosphere created by delightful people coming together. Amongst the feedback: "Your events seem to be getting better every time"; "Thanks for organising last night's event. It was much more fun than I was expecting"; "Lovely evening!"; "So many faces!"; "Thanks for a great evening. Always well-organised"; "Enjoyed the evening!'; "Thank you for organising this event. It's so nice to feel safe and comfortable"; "Would like to say what an enjoyable evening it was". Well, I think that covers it. Feeling safe, being comfortable and having a whole lot of fun. What's stopping you? Please book your place for next time. You're very welcome!

Friday, 25th August 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 20th August 2017
An enjoyable and happy event with lovely guests meeting each other for the first time and deciding whether they would like to date in the future. Even numbers of men and women - up to 30 in total so plenty of opportunity. Amongst the feedback: "Real nice evening. Well organised as usual and very good turnout of people"; "Thank you Anna. It was good fun. I really enjoyed it"; "Thank you for organising such a special event"; "It was a great night"; "Thanks for a nice evening"; "I had a wonderful time". Make a date in your diary for the next 28-44 event on 1st October. What have you got to lose? You're very welcome!

Friday, 11th August 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 6th August 2017
Lovely atmosphere at this event for the 45+ age group. People meeting each other for the first time with plenty of matches afterwards. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you very much"; "It was a wonderful evening"; "Great to meet new people"; "Had lots of interesting conversations and plenty of laughter"; "Much appreciated"; Thank you!". One guest said that apart from the dating that she had made new friends and would be meeting up with them during the next week or two. I love hearing this because it shows how the opportunities are there to expand your friendship group as well as date. Don't hesitate to join us next time on 17th September. You are very welcome!

Saturday, 15th July 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 9th July 2017
This was a very promising evening judging by the results afterwards! Up to 30 guests in attendance with even numbers of men and women. Lovely atmosphere with people totally enjoying the moment and giving themselves up to all the possibilities that Speed Dating provides - meeting like-minded people, making new friends and meeting someone special. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a nice evening"; "Thank you very much!"; "Thanks, Anna, really enjoyed the event"; "Great conversations!"; "Lovely people and well-organised"; "Thanks for a pleasant night". Make a date in your diary for the next one on Sunday 20th August. Don't miss out! You're very welcome.

Saturday, 1 July 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 25th June 2017
Once again, a great night for the 45+ age group. Well attended with 34 people booked in - 17 ladies and 17 men. Amongst the feedback: "Thanks for a nice evening."; "Thank you very much."; "Thanks Anna, really enjoyed the event."; "Great conversations!"; "Lovely people and well-organised."; "Thank you for a pleasant night." Yes, it was a good atmosphere with guests enjoying meeting each other for the first time. So, come next time - 6th August. You're very welcome!

Thursday, 25 May 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 21st May 2017
Another great evening for this age group. Thirty-nine guests booked in and a lot of opportunity to meet new people, make new friends and meet someone special. Guests responded well and amongst the feedback: "I enjoyed the event. I'll definitely come back again."; "Thanks Anna. I enjoyed last night."; "Thank you Anna."; "Really enjoyed the evening."; "Had a wonderful time!". I am looking forward to next time. Join us! You're welcome!

Monday, 1 May 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 23rd April 2017
Another fabulous event for the 45+ age group. Even numbers of men and women, 36, meeting each other for the first time and chatting easily. No wonder there were so many matches. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for an enjoyable night."; "Real nice evening."; "I am pleased with my matches!"; "Enjoyed the evening."; "Thanks for the evening."; "Thank you for a very well-organised evening. Quite an experience!"; "Thanks, Anna, great evening"; "Thanks, Anna. I had an amazing time and it boosted my confidence." I love that last one as we all need self-belief and an opportunity to show ourselves what we are capable of doing. Reading this? Then don't hesitate to book yourself in for the next one on Sunday 18th June. You are very welcome!

Sunday, 16 April 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 9th April 2017
Another amazing evening for the 28-44 age group. Once again, a well-attended event with 35 guests. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you!"; "It was a fun evening."; "Thank you for such an enjoyable and fast-paced evening."; "I had fun. I'll come again."; "Thank you, Anna. It was a really fun evening. I will recommend you to my single friends." Best form of advertising is recommendation! One of the things I love about organising these events is when I walk downstairs into the main bar of All Bar One after the event has finished and see this same group who have met for the first time only a couple of hours ago now sitting together enjoying a drink in each other's company. That makes it all worthwhile. Join us next time on 21st May. You're welcome!

Sunday, 5 March 2017
Speed Dating 28-44 Sunday 26th February 2017
It was a full house for Speed Dating at All Bar One, Cheltenham on Sunday night. Someone tweeted - "The atmosphere is electric, could it ignite love tonight?" - and so it was! Over 40 guests and almost equal numbers of men and women. Amongst the feedback - "Thank you for an entertaining and enjoyable evening"; "Thanks, Anna, nice busy night!"; "A most enjoyable night"; "Thank you for a lovely evening"; "Good evening all round"; "A good night and very well-organised. We had fun!"; "Thank you. A busy night and a lot to take in". Join us next time - Sunday 9th April. You're very welcome!

Sunday, 5 February 2017
Speed Dating 45+ Sunday 29th January 2017
An evening that flowed easily with guests having fun and meeting each other for the first time. Mostly new faces and a splash of familiar ones as well. Amongst the feedback: "Thank you for a fun evening"; "Cool, it was a good night!"; "Thank you Anna!"; "Thoroughly enjoyed it"; "Great to meet so many new people". Most importantly there were lots of matches. Join us next time. You're very welcome!